Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Niche Makers are bring down the industrial revolution

After reading "The Long tail" by Chris Anderson I became aware of the economics and the shift taking place to a niche model in business for the 21st century. It is becoming evident how the wide play, vague and impersonal paradigm is starting to collapse while the strong niches are starting to dominate. It is even a matter fiction by such writers as Cory Doctrow in his novel "Makers".We can also can read about it in E.F. Schumacher's book "Small is Beautiful" as well as by Seth Godin in "Small is the New Big". I would say that the industrial revolution is slowly dying and we are moving into a more intimate, one to one, humane and nurturing model of doing business and living. Niche your way to success and happiness.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Breaking down the Media Gatekeeper

The current information ecosystem is really starting breakdown. It is moving away from the corporate and government  centralize model. It is slowly being sliced  by thousands of niche offerings with very specific information and  committed audiences. This new landscape is giving people the opportunity to really participate, create and report. I think this  dynamic puts the individual in a position of power and moves him or her away from a victim framework. The time has come to start communicating among ourselves uncover our great intelligence and creativity by cutting out the current media and information gatekeepers- enjoy this new model and participate. How about creating a new reality on this planet, one that is not about fear and negativity which as we know is designed to make you shop and hide.

The death of massification

There is revolution going on in the planet it is of decentralization. The control and command system of operating is starting to fall apart. We are starting to see it the energy business, content and information distribution in as well as the creation of local currencies. The world is becoming more local, small and of niches with incredible value. It is part of the human evolution away for the massification of the individual towards a more individualistic driven paradigm. The system is starting to transform itself to a New global paradigm, a new model existence.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Destroying America one ounce of junk food at a time.

Obesity is probably more of a threat to our national security then terrorism is. I look at my surrounding including my family & friends and obesity in not a television story anymore it now part of our everyday existence, including the emotional consequences and health care costs. The question is why do we continue to feed our children such poison? To me it is a four way conspiracy: The food companies(poison pushers), media companies(drive by advertising), the politicians(policy pimps) and the parents( playing dumb for the sake of convenience). It is simply disgusting to continue to watch so many people become sick and have their lives cut short as a consequence ingesting kilos and kilos of junk food, sugar, etc. I wonder if there  is any difference in terms of collateral damage between drug trafficing and junk food dealing. People in this country have two options : 1-Become radically responsible for your health and eventually drive the dealers out of business or 2- continue to play dumb until we reach our personal, family and country collapse. If there is a poison heaven it is right here in America. Imagine covering such a beautiful country with junk food rappers, garbage and corpses of people killed by introducing into their bodies legally approved poison. Shame, shame and more shame.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Facebook: $100 billion valuation? Really?

I am trying to figure out the real value of Facebook. I have a Facebook page. I use it very little. Yes it does have an initial connectivity value  to it but what about afterwards. It seems  the personal investment of time  in such a social media platform seems to be a diminishing return. There is also a significant lost of privacy due to the fact that Facebook owns your personal information and sells it.   After this initial public offering I was left wondering why would it have a $100 billion plus valuation. I was looking at their advertising  revenues per user, at one point it was $33 now it is $2. They currently have very low CPM(Cost per thousand impressions). General Motors recently announce that they were going to stop advertising on Facebook because it did not work for them. Of course they have close 900 million users that gives them tremendous latitude to create new business models and ways of bring in revenue. But I still can't figure out the real value of Facebook for me moving forward. It feels like a global distraction while really important things are happening that could determine our destines. Please somebody explain this to me. Thanks

Who is Radamés Soto?

Radames Soto is the president and founder of Kinina Ventures, a firm specializing in the creation and acquisition of companies in the wellness and media sectors. He is a former Managing Director of The Wall Street Journal Interactive. Soto joined Dow Jones & Company in November 1998. Under Mr. Soto's direction, the former Wall Street Journal Americas expanded its focus on the business and financial needs of the Latin American market through the creation of The Wall Street Journal Interactivo.

Mr. Soto is widely regarded as one of the most experienced and multi-faceted figures in the new media world. Among his projects is the film "Road Dogz," the nationally syndicated series "HispanicAmericans: The New Frontier" hosted by Jimmy Smits, "Video Active" - a nationally syndicated show for teenagers, and "America Latina Finanzas y Negocios" - a weekly business show syndicated throughout Latin America sponsored by Merrill Lynch.

Mr. Soto has an extensive track record in the creation of content both for the Internet as well as film and television. He developed a TV/Internet series with HBO "Techno3." He is considered by many, including publications like Variety, the New York Times, the Village Voice, and Hispanic Magazine, as a leader in Internet content for Latinos.

Mr. Soto owned and operated a successful and well-respected entertainment and media company for five years, Blue Pearl Entertainment. He is also the founder of TDI (a broadcasting & Internet investment firm) and Zotox Investments, a new media merchant house for the Spanish-speaking world.

As a journalist Mr. Soto is the recipient of an Emmy, the ACE Award, and a New York State Broadcaster's Association Award. He is also a three-time nominee for the ACE Award in investigative reporting.

Mr. Soto has been keynote speaker at the following conferences: LOHAS conference in Boulder-2001; Inter- American Development Bank in New Orleans-2000; Jupiter Communications in Miami -2000; LatinTech Conference-2000; Internet World-Latin America-1999; Jupiter Communications Advertising Conference, NY-1999; The New Media Forum, New York City-1999; Digital Hollywood, Beverly Hills, CA-1999.

Mr. Soto holds a bachelor's degree in journalism, an MBA in Management, and a specialization in finance from the University of Miami. He also has a specialization in Mergers and Acquisitions from New York University. He is married with three children and resides in New York City and Miami.

Make the planet a nourishing and loving place to live. The heart is the real source of our actions and ideas. Let's really make quality of life and human nourishment the priority.

Respect nature. We are nature; it is our duty to respect, protect and learn from nature rather than conquer her.

The Inner Journey. The real revolution is our inner growth. As long as we do not reinvent our inner landscape, our outer reality will continue to be limited, stale and violent.

Live a holistic lifestyle. The mind, the heart, the spirit and the body are one interrelated organism.

Business to transform the world. Business is a very powerful force that must be used to transform the earth. Compassion, entrepreneurship, innovation and the Spirit are the core elements of this transformation. Business based on innovative chaos, taking risk, intuition, heart, synthesis, non-linear skills, a holistic approach, conservation, quality, cooperation and partnership are the focal points of a new business paradigm.

Use technology to unite people. Let's create technologies that bring us together and help us develop lives of greater quality. The Internet is a manifestation of our desire to be connected. We aspire to connect to each other and become whole.

The Media. Media must inform, uplift, educate, inspire and unite. Not manipulate, instill fear, and keep people from developing their inner greatness.

Individual versus the collective. The individual must become responsible for his or her well-being, inner journey and self-improvement. The government cannot do it. Let's empower our selves, hearts, and thoughts.

Government small and non-intrusive. The government is simply a traffic cop. The responsible individual is the engine of growth, order and prosperity.

High self-esteem is the most effective weapon against corruption. As human beings we must understand that we are all capable of creating the life we want. We do not have to take from others. The universe is an abundant system. Scarcity is an illusion.

We are what we eat/eating is a political act. If we eat junk, we become junk, we think junky ideas and we end up creating a world of junk. Let's eat quality food and become quality people.

Quality of life over superficial growth. Our economic growth must be based on the growth of the human spirit and the improvement of our lives. We need to change the measurement of our economic life and the meaning of the word "profits." Profits must include quality of life, personal growth and enjoyment.

Learning is a human right. Teaching people is a global duty; not having education available is a violation of human rights.

Role models are extraordinary people. We must admire real people that have created extraordinary lives, not people created by the media. Role models are essential for the development of our human potential.

Abundance and prosperity. The universe is abundant. We are abundant and limitless. We need to turn our minds and hearts toward our greatness, abundance and possibilities.

Consumption vs. quality of life. We cannot fill our emptiness by consuming. Consumption must have meaning and its consequences measured. We need nourishment, creativity, encouragement, playfulness and community - not more consumption.

Individual creativity, imagination and self-expression are sacred. Individual creativity must be respected, encouraged and protected. It is the only way out of our current broken paradigm.